Domains | The website's domain name. |
IP Address | The website's IP address. |
Is Primary Website on IP Address? |
Indicates whether the website is the primary domain for its IP address. |
Certificate Expiration | The date when the certificate expires. |
Document Root | The location of the domain's website files. |
Actions |
You can perform the following actions:
Install an SSL Website
Use the form in the Install an SSL Website section to install a certificate. You can use three different methods to install a certificate:
Browse Certificates
To use Browse Certificates to install a certificate, perform the following steps:
- Click Browse Certificates.
Click the button that corresponds to the desired certificate.
Only certificates that correspond to a domain appear in the list.
- Click Use Certificate to return to the Install an SSL Host section. The certificate's information will appear in the text boxes.
Enter the appropriate information in the Certificate Authority Bundle: (CABUNDLE) text box.
- Click Install Certificate. A success or failure message will appear.
Search by domain
To search by domain to install a certificate, perform the following steps:
- Select the desired domain in the Domain menu.
- Click Autofill by Domain. The interface will attempt to retrieve and enter the certificate information.
- If this step succeeds, the available text boxes will contain the appropriate information.
- If this step does not succeed, the text boxes will remain empty.
- Click Install Certificate. A success or failure message will appear.
Manually enter information
To manually enter the information to install a certificate, perform the following steps:
- Select the desired domain in the Domain menu.
- Enter the certificate information in the Certificate (CRT) text box.
- Enter the private key information in the Private Key (KEY) text box.
- Enter the certificate authority information in the Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE) text box.
- Click Install Certificate. A success or failure message will appear.