
TLD Specifications

Registration period
1-10 years
Renewal period
1-10 years
Allowed character length
1 - 63 characters
Allowed characters
a-z, 0-9, -According to RFC 5891 IDNs MUST NOT contain two consecutive hyphens in the third and fourth character positions and MUST NOT start or end with a hyphen.RFC 5891: Hyphen Restrictions
TLD supports
Whois Privacy
Transfer locks possible
Renewal on transfer
Transfer time
5 days
Authcode length
8 - 32 characters
Handle updates
All owner changes of gTLDs will apply the ICANN Transfer policy.
Allowed Nameservers
1 - 13
Autorenew Grace Period
35 days
Deletion Timeframe
35 days after expiration date
Redemption Period
30 days

Domain Registration

  • The registration process can take up to 8 weeks
  • For generic domain names(e.g. not related to your company name), you may send in supportive documents for your application to the registry directly.

Domain Restrictions

  • Personal registrations are not allowed.
  • Registration criteria can be found in the .jobs FAQ question 15 through 18.
  • You can not register a domain with the string jobs in the name, e.g. mycompanyjobs.jobs, therefore you can register mycompany.jobs.
  • For further questions regarding the domain name, you may contact the registry directly


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