Non-compliant .AU Domain Names FAQ


Q: Why are TPP Wholesale doing this?

A: As part of the .au registration/renewal policy, the registrant/owner of the domain needs to be eligible to hold an .AU license. When the current registrant that is licensing the domain is cancelled/deregistered, this means that they are no longer a legal entity and they can no longer hold a domain name licence.

Information about who can hold a domain name can be found here -

Please refer to our Non-compliant .AU Domain Names Guideline for instructions on how to identify and amend the eligibility details.


Q: Why are TPP Wholesale doing this now?

A: As per the policy for the .AU namespace stipulated by auDA, TPP Wholesale needs to ensure that the eligibility criteria is compliant with the auDA policies. If the eligibility details are not updated, auDA may raise a compliance case to correct the data, place the domain names on hold (suspend), or delete the domain name. Please note that you may not be able to renew ineligible domains in the future.

2.10.1    A Person makes the following warranties to .au Domain Administration and the Registrar, when applying for or renewing a licence:

 that the information provided by the Person to the Registrar is true, accurate, and complete;

  1. that the Person meets, and will continue to meet, the eligibility and allocation criteria specified in these .auDA Rules, for the duration of the Licence;
  2. that the name, abbreviation or Acronym used as a Domain Name is not a Reserved Name;
  3. that the name is not deceptively similar to the name of a Namespace in the .au ccTLD;
  4. that the Person is not providing a Proxy Service or Privacy Service;
  5. that the Person will not, and does not, use the Licence for any purpose that is unlawful, illegal or fraudulent under Australian Law;
  6. the Person acknowledges that the Licence will be suspended or cancelled by the Registrar or .au Domain Administration if any of the warranties specified in subparagraph 2.10.1(1 to 6) are found to be untrue, inaccurate or incomplete; and
  7. the Person agrees that the use of the Licensing Service is solely at their own risk.


Q: What happens if I don’t update the eligibility details of the domains?

A: If the eligibility details are not updated, TPP Wholesale cannot guarantee that we will be able to renew the domain name in future, along with the domain name being potentially deleted. We understand the importance of domain names and we encourage customers to ensure that their eligibility details are up to date to minimise any potential disruption to their domain registration service.


Q: Why is TPP Wholesale not doing the check for me?

A: Whilst we are providing as much information as possible to highlight why the domain name has been flagged as being ineligible, we do not know the new eligibility details of your domains or the domains you have under management. To make the process easier for yourself and your end-customers, we have written up guidelines in our support page (link here).


Q: I have already updated the eligibility details of the domains, why are you contacting me?

A: Our datasets are pulled in batches, and we cannot ensure that it is the most up-to-date data by the time you receive the notification. Should you receive any notification from TPP but have since updated the eligibility in the past 30 days, please contact the team.

If your update was last done more than 30 days ago, please use our guide on how to cross-check this and contact the team for assistance.


Q: Are there costs associated with a Registrant Name Change(RNC)?

As we have to technically re-register the domain name for 2 years upon completion of an RNC, a fee is incurred, To confirm this price, please login to your Reseller Portal and select Products -> View & Edit Domain Pricing.

If you cannot see this pricing table, this means that you are a TPP Affiliate Customer and will need to login to your Customer Portal and select Products -> Order -> Registrant Name Change to confirm the price.


Q: How do I do a Registrant Name Change (RNC)?

Please refer to the following article on how to complete the Registrant Name Change –


Q: What is the deadline for ensuring that the eligibility details are updated?

A: As a registrant, you need to make sure you are compliant to the auDA licencing policy of your .au domain at all times. We suggest this is done as soon as to possible. If the eligibility details of the domain name remain non-compliant (not updated), it puts the domain name at risk of eventually being deleted from the registry due to licencing policy violation.

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