How do I update my domain Whois details?

The registrant, admin, technical and billing contact details for any of your domain names registered with TPP Wholesale can be modified from within your TPP Wholesale account.

Note: Updating the registrant contact for a gTLD domain (com/net/org/biz) name will change the legal owner of that domain name. Updating the registrant contact for a .au domain will not change the ownership of that domain, and will effect all other .au domains using the same NIC Handle. 

To change the owner/registrant of a .au domain, you will need to submit a registrant name change request.

If you have any concerns about the privacy of your Whois contact information, we do offer a domain privacy service which masks your Whois contact information from being displayed to the public. 

Please note: This service is only available for certain types of domain extensions. 

To change the registrant contact details for a domain:

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel
  2. Hover over 'Domains' and click 'Manage Domains'
  3. Manage the domain you want to make changes to
  4. On the next page, click Domain Name
  5. Scroll down to Contact Information
  6. Click [Modify] next to the contact information you want to edit
    1. Registrant contact: the primary registrant and domain owner
    2. Admin contact: the general administrative contact
    3. Tech contact: the general technical contact
    4. Billing contact: this one isn't generally used
  7. Make the required changes to the contact, then click [Update]

*For generic top level domains (gTLD like .com, net etc), an ICANN verification email will be sent to the newly updated registrant and/or admin email address. 

*Once changes have been made, a 60 day registry lock is automatically applied to the domain.

To change the registrant contact details for a .au domain:

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel
  2. Hover over 'Domains' and click 'Manage Domains'
  3. Manage the domain you wish to make changes to
  4. On the next page, click Domain Name
  5. Scroll down to Contact information and click on the NIC handle corresponding to the contact information you want to update (WARNING: This will effect all domains using this NIC Handle): 
  6. Make the required changes to the contact, then click [Update]
  • Registrant contact: the primary registrant and domain owner
  • Admin contact: the general administrative contact
  • Tech contact: the general technical contact
  • Billing contact: this one isn't generally used
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