The WHM Interface



The WHM interface provides the server's root user and resellers with access to all of WHM's server administration features.

The WHM interface consists of the following sections:

  1. Top navigation bar
  2. Side navigation menu
  3. Support menu
  4. Features


Top navigation bar

WHM's top navigation bar remains visible as you navigate throughout the WHM interface.

  • Click News to view important news and announcements from cPanel, Inc.
  • Click Change Logs to view the cPanel & WHM change logs.
  • Click Logout to log out of your WHM account.
  • Click Load Averages to navigate to WHM's Process Manager  interface (WHM >> Home >> System Health >> Process Manager). The numbers that follow this link represent the server's one-minute, five-minute, and 15-minute load averages, respectively.

You may also see important server notices in this section of the interface. For example, if the most recent attempt to upgrade cPanel & WHM failed, you may see a The last attempt to update cPanel & WHM was blocked. warning, which you can click to review a list of upgrade blockers.


Side navigation menu

The side navigation menu in WHM provides quick access to all of WHM's interfaces, and allows you to quickly search for specific features.

  • To search for a feature, enter one or more keywords in the text box and click the search icon (search.png).
  • To quickly navigate to a WHM interface, use the menu of available features:
    • To expand or collapse all menu sections with one action, click the expand icon (image5.png) or collapse icon (image6.png) at the top of the menu, immediately below the search text box.
    • To expand or collapse a single menu section, click the arrow icon (image7.png) for that section.
    • To access a WHM section, click that section's name in the menu.
    • To access a WHM interface, click that interface's name in the menu.
    • To hide or show the navigation menu, click the collapse icon (hideBar.png).


Support menu

Click the lifesaver icon that floats on the right side of the interface (lifesaver.png) to view the Support menu. 

  • Click cPanel & WHM FAQ to access our cPanel Knowledge Base documentation.
  • Click Support Forums to access the cPanel Forums.
  • Click Documentation to access the main page of our WebHost Manager - WHM User Documentation documentation (from WHM's Home interface) or the documentation for the current interface (from other WHM interfaces).
  • Click Contact cPanel to begin the process to submit a ticket to cPanel Technical Support.



The WHM interface lists of all of your account's available features in sections for different types of functionality. 


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