TLD Specifications

.ECO  android-chrome-512x512.png
New gTLD with some restrictions

After registering a .eco domain, registrants will be invited to create a .eco profile to activate their .eco domain.

.eco profile activation flow:

  1. Invitation to activate profile
    • Email 1: Invitation to activate .eco profile
    • Sent from: activate@profiles.eco
    • Sent because: .eco domain was purchased
    • Subject: Activate yourdomain.eco
    • Reminders: Yes
    • Reminder days
    • 1-3---7------14----------30
  2. Sign up for .eco user account
    • Email 2: .eco account creation
    • Sent from: activate@profiles.eco
    • Sent because: .eco user account successfully created
    • Subject: Welcome to .eco!
    • Reminders: Yes
    • Reminder days
    • |-3---7------14----------30
  3. Enter .eco profile information
    • You: Domain owner + organisation type (if applicable)
    • What are you doing now?: Focus and/or sustainability actions
    • Enter your location(s)
    • Take the .eco pledge
  4. .eco profile is active
    • Email 3: .eco profile activation complete
    • Sent from: activate@profiles.eco
    • Sent because: .eco profile is complete and domain is now active
    • Subject: yourdomain.eco is now active!
    • Reminders: No
Can't find your invite from .ECO?
Registration period
1-10 years
Renewal period
1-10 years
Allowed character length
3 - 63 characters
Allowed characters
a-z, -According to RFC 5891 IDNs MUST NOT contain two consecutive hyphens in the third and fourth character positions and MUST NOT start or end with a hyphen.
TLD supports
Transfer locks possible
Renewal on transfer
Authcode length
6 - 16 characters
Allowed Nameservers
2 - 6
Autorenew Grace Period
35 days
Deletion Timeframe
35 days after expiration date
Redemption Period
30 days
WHOIS Update
Full TLD Policies
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