TLD Specifications

Registration Time
Registration period
1-10 years
Renewal period
1-10 years
Allowed character length
2 - 63 characters
Allowed characters
a-z, 0-9, -MUST NOT contain two consecutive hyphens in the third and fourth character positions and MUST NOT start or end with a hyphen.
TLD supports
Transfer locks possible
Renewal on transfer
Transfer time
5 days
Authcode length
8 - 32 characters
Handle updates
Preconfigured DNS
Allowed Nameservers
1 - 13
Autorenew Grace Period
35 days
Deletion Timeframe
35 days after expiration date
Redemption Period
30 days
Eligibility Policy

Eligible registrants to register a second-level name in .Versicherung TLD are based in the countries of Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland and are in detail:

  • a. Governments
  • b. Governmental organizations regulating the insurance industry
  • c. Organizations and individuals (sole proprietors) that are recognized and registered members of the insurance industry community:
    • (i) Primary insurers, reinsurers and social insurers with an authorization within the legal frameworks for the insurance industry in the respective countries.
    • (ii) Insurance agents and insurance intermediaries with an authorization within the legal framework for the insurance industry in the respective countries
    • (iii) At an official public register registered associations, educational institutions and service providers of the insurance industry.

Anyone may have the registrant's compliance with the registration guidelines checked via a legal or an extra-judicial dispute resolution process.
On request of the registry, a .VERSICHERUNG Domain Name registrant has to proof its relationship to the Insurance community as defined in the .VERSICHERUNG registration policy.
The .VERSICHERUNG TLD as a Community TLD has both, content and use restrictions:

  • (i) Content: .VERSICHERUNG domain names must only be used for purposes solely dedicated to insurance topics.
  • (ii) Use: The registrant must have started the use of a .VERSICHERUNG domain name within six months after the registration in respect to the content and use restrictions of a .VERSICHERUNG domain.
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