LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager



This article describes how to use the LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager to manage LiteSpeed caching for your account. LiteSpeed is a built-in caching engine on Turbo Boost and Turbo Max Web Hosting accounts that can significantly increase a site's performance.

This article only applies to Turbo Boost and Turbo Max Web Hosting accounts.


  1. Click Scan to locate all installations of the selected application. LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager lists the discovered applications:

    LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager - Application list

  2. Select one of the following options:

    • To enable LiteSpeed Cache for the application, under Actions, click Enable.
    • To disable LiteSpeed Cache for the application, under Actions, click Disable.
    • To flush the LiteSpeed Cache for all of your applications at the same time, click Flush All.
      For an alternate method of flushing the entire cache, see the following section.
    • To flag an installation, under Actions, click Flag.
      When you flag an application, it is unaffected by all future mass enable or disable operations.
    • To unflag an installation, under Actions, click Unflag.
    • To do a mass operation on multiple applications at once, select the check boxes for the applications, and then next to With Selected: click the operation you want to do.


To flush the LiteSpeed Cache for all of your applications at the same time,

  1. Under Flush LSCache, click Flush All.
  2. Click OK to confirm. LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager flushes the cache.


You can change the log level for LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click Settings.
  2. In the Log File Level list box, select the logging level that you want.
  3. Click Save.

    LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager stores log data in the /home/username/lscmData/ls_webcachemgr.log file, where username represents your account username.





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