TLD Specifications

Redemption Period
30 days
Eligibility and allocation rules for COM.AU and NET.AU
The and second-level is for commercial purposes.
As per auDA ( .au Domain Administration) policy under the published " 2012-04 - Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open second-levels" The following guidelines are applicable for all and domain names.
Please be advised of the Reserved list domains which applies to a restricted index inclusive of selected names that can not be used without ministerial consent - click here for more information.
1. To be eligible for a domain name in the and second level, registrants must be:
a) an Australian registered company; or
b) trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
c) an Australian partnership or sole trader; or
d) a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
e) an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
f) an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
g) an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
h) an Australian commercial statutory body.
2. Domain names in the and second-level must be:
a) an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant’s name or trademark; or
b) otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant, in accordance with the categories of “close and substantial connection” set out in the Guidelines on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open second-levels.
3. A domain name may also be registered in the or second-level under paragraph 2(b) for the purpose of domain monetisation, in accordance with the explanation of “domain monetisation” set out in the Guidelines on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open Second-Level TLDs, provided that the following conditions are met:
a) the content on the website to which the domain name resolves must be related specifically and predominantly to subject matter denoted by the domain name; and
b) the domain name must not be, or incorporate, an entity name, personal name or brand name in existence at the time the domain name was registered*.
* Definitions:
“entity name” means the name of an Australian registered company or incorporated association as listed with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), or the name of an Australian government body. It does not include a registered business name;
“personal name” means the given name(s) and/or last name of a person; and
“brand name” means the name of an identifiable and distinctive product or service, whether commercial or non-commercial.
Eligibility and allocation rules for ORG.AU and ASN.AU
The and second-level is for non-commercial organisations.
As per auDA ( .au Domain Administration) policy under the published " 2012-04 - Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open second-levels" The following guidelines are applicable for all and domain names.
1. To be eligible in the and second-level, registrants must be non-commercial organisations as follows:
a) an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
b) a political party registered with the Australian Electoral Commission; or
c) a trade union or other organisation registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009; or
d) a sporting or special interest club operating in Australia; or
e) a charity operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation; or
f) a non-profit organisation operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation.
2. Domain names in the and second-level must be:
a) an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant’s name; or
b) otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant, in accordance with the categories of “close and substantial connection” set out in the Guidelines on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open Second-Levels
Eligibility and allocation rules for
The 2LD is for individuals.
As per auDA ( .au Domain Administration) policy under the published " 2012-04 - Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open second-levels" The following guidelines are applicable for all and domain names.
1. To be eligible for a domain name in the 2LD, registrants must be:
a) an Australian citizen; or
b) an Australian resident.
2. Domain names in the 2LD must be:
a) an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant’s personal name; or
b) otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant, in accordance with the categories of “close and substantial connection” set out in the Guidelines on the Interpretation of Policy Rules for the Open second-levels.
3. A domain name may also be registered in the 2LD under paragraph 2(b) if it refers to a personal interest or hobby of the registrant, but the domain name must not be, or incorporate, an entity name, personal name or brand name in existence at the time the domain name was registered*.
* Definitions:
- “entity name” means the name of an Australian registered company or incorporated association as listed with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), or the name of an Australian government body. It does not include a registered business name;
- “personal name” means the given name(s) and/or last name of a person; and
- “brand name” means the name of an identifiable and distinctive product or service, whether commercial or non-commercial.