WordPress FAQ


What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open source application used to easily build websites. It has loads of features, including a plug-in architecture and template system, and is one of the most widely used Content Management and Blogging application used today.

How do I install WordPress?

WordPress can be downloaded at wordpress.org and installed manually or installed by using one of our application installers.

Can you teach me how to use WordPress?

Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to train our customers in how to use this software. WordPress is an open source and free application that runs on our servers but is not developed or supported by us. For assistance with how to use WordPress, we recommend visiting these links:

My WordPress website keeps getting hacked. How can I stop this?

WordPress is one of the most popular open source software packages used by website owners globally. It’s $0 price tag drives the success of this application among the internet community, however it’s Open Source nature additionally drives a huge community of Hackers to exploit the software by finding vulnerabilities in the code of the application. 

How do I move a WordPress installation to another directory or server?

Instructions on how to migrate WordPress from one directory or server to another are available directly from WordPress in their Moving WordPress support article.

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