Track Delivery



This interface displays reports about email message delivery attempts from your account. You can also use this feature to trace a message's delivery route, which can help you to identify message delivery issues.



Search for the status of an email address's message delivery attempts

By default, this interface lists the 250 most recent message delivery failures to and from your cPanel account's mailboxes.

To view the status of message delivery attempts, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter a recipient email address in the Search text box and click Run Report.

    • To display all of the account's messages, do not enter an address in the Search text box.
  2. Click Show All to refresh the results in the Delivery Report table and the Email Server Trace diagram.
    • To display only the delivery failures, click Show Blocked & Failed.


The Delivery Report table

An icon that indicates the message's delivery status:

success.jpeg — The system successfully delivered the message.

unknown.jpeg — The message's status is unknown, or delivery is in progress.

deferred.jpeg — The system deferred the message.

error.jpeg — The message encountered a delivery error.

archived.png — The system archived the message. 

blacklist.jpeg — The system rejected and discarded the message at SMTP time. This typically occurs because the sender's server does not use a secure configuration or appears on a Real-time Blackhole List (RBL).

filtered.jpeg — The mail server accepted the message but did not deliver the message to the recipient's inbox. This typically occurs because spam software filtered the message.

From Address The email address on your system that sent the message.
Sender The sender's cPanel username.
Sent Time The date and time when the user sent the message.
Spam Score The message's Apache SpamAssassin™ score.
Recipient The email address to which the user sent the message.
Result A message that describes the delivery results.

Click the information icon (info_icon.png) to view and print information about the selected message. This information includes information such as a message's sender, recipient, and username.


Table Options

Record selection

To filter the records by result, select any of the following checkboxes:

  • Show Successes
  • Show Deferred
  • Show Failures
  • Show In-Progress

Select the maximum number of results to display from the Max Results/Type menu.

Column selection

To select the columns that you wish to display or hide in the Delivery Report table, click the table options icon (Table_options_icon.png). A new window will appear.

  • To display the column, select the checkbox.
  • To hide the column, deselect the checkbox.

From the Table Options window, select or deselect the checkboxes for the following column headers:

Select All Selects all available options.
Event An icon that indicates the message's delivery status. 
User The email address on your system that sent the messageThe sender's cPanel username.
Domain The sender's domain.
From Address The email address on your system that sent the message
Sender The sender's cPanel username.
Sent Time The date and time when the user sent the message.
Sender Host The sender's host's IP address.
Sender IP Address
The sender's IP address.
Authentication The sender's authentication type.
Spam Score The email's Apache SpamAssassin score.
Recipient The email address to which the user sent the message.
Delivery User The username that owns the recipient's email address.
Delivery Domain The recipient's domain.
Delivered To The recipient's email address.
Router The internal router that the mail server used to determine the message's destination.
Transport The recipient's SMTP type.
Out Time The date and time when the intended recipient received the message.
ID The outgoing message's unique identifier.
Delivery Host The recipient email exchanger's hostname.
Delivery IP Address
The recipient email exchanger's IP address.
Size The size of the outgoing message.
Result A message that describes the delivery results.

Click the information icon (info_icon.png) to view and print information about the selected message. This information includes the message's sender, recipient, username, and more.


The Email Server Trace diagram

This diagram displays the sent email's delivery route from its source to its destination. Under the Legend heading, the following icons appear:

The mail routing errors that your message encountered.
The filters through which the message passed.
The message's SMTP destination.
The local mailbox to which the system delivered the message.

Each icon displays information about the message's delivery path.

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