An icon that indicates the message's delivery status:
— The system successfully delivered the message. — The message's status is unknown, or delivery is in progress. — The system deferred the message. — The message encountered a delivery error. — The system archived the message. — The system rejected and discarded the message at SMTP time. This typically occurs because the sender's server does not use a secure configuration or appears on a Real-time Blackhole List (RBL). — The mail server accepted the message but did not deliver the message to the recipient's inbox. This typically occurs because spam software filtered the message. |
From Address | The email address on your system that sent the message. |
Sender | The sender's cPanel username. |
Sent Time | The date and time when the user sent the message. |
Spam Score | The message's Apache SpamAssassin™ score. |
Recipient | The email address to which the user sent the message. |
Result | A message that describes the delivery results. |
Actions |
Click the information icon () to view and print information about the selected message. This information includes information such as a message's sender, recipient, and username. |
Table Options
Record selection
To filter the records by result, select any of the following checkboxes:
- Show Successes
- Show Deferred
- Show Failures
- Show In-Progress
Select the maximum number of results to display from the Max Results/Type menu.
Column selection
To select the columns that you wish to display or hide in the Delivery Report table, click the table options icon (). A new window will appear.
- To display the column, select the checkbox.
- To hide the column, deselect the checkbox.
From the Table Options window, select or deselect the checkboxes for the following column headers:
Select All | Selects all available options. |
Event | An icon that indicates the message's delivery status. |
User | The email address on your system that sent the messageThe sender's cPanel username. |
Domain | The sender's domain. |
From Address | The email address on your system that sent the message |
Sender | The sender's cPanel username. |
Sent Time | The date and time when the user sent the message. |
Sender Host | The sender's host's IP address. |
Sender IP Address |
The sender's IP address. |
Authentication | The sender's authentication type. |
Spam Score | The email's Apache SpamAssassin score. |
Recipient | The email address to which the user sent the message. |
Delivery User | The username that owns the recipient's email address. |
Delivery Domain | The recipient's domain. |
Delivered To | The recipient's email address. |
Router | The internal router that the mail server used to determine the message's destination. |
Transport | The recipient's SMTP type. |
Out Time | The date and time when the intended recipient received the message. |
ID | The outgoing message's unique identifier. |
Delivery Host | The recipient email exchanger's hostname. |
Delivery IP Address |
The recipient email exchanger's IP address. |
Size | The size of the outgoing message. |
Result | A message that describes the delivery results. |
Actions |
Click the information icon () to view and print information about the selected message. This information includes the message's sender, recipient, username, and more. |
The Email Server Trace diagram
This diagram displays the sent email's delivery route from its source to its destination. Under the Legend heading, the following icons appear:
The mail routing errors that your message encountered. | |
The filters through which the message passed. | |
The message's SMTP destination. | |
The local mailbox to which the system delivered the message. |
Each icon displays information about the message's delivery path.