SSL Certificates - CRT


This document describes the Certificates interface in cPanel's SSL/TLS interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSL/TLS). To access this interface, click Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.

This interface allows you to generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.


Certificates on Server

The Certificates on Server table contains the following information:

Domains The private key's description.
Issuer The Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate.
Expiration The time that the certificate expires, in Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC).
Key Size The size, in bits, of the private key.
Description The certificate's description.
  • Edit — Edit the SSL certificate.
  • Delete — Delete the SSL certificate.
  • Install — Install the SSL certificate


Upload a New Certificate

To paste a certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Under the Upload a New Certificate heading, paste the text of the certificate in Paste the certificate into the following text box: text box.
  2. In the Description: text box, enter a brief description for this certificate.

  3. Click Save Certificate to upload your certificate.

  4. A success or error message will appear on a new screen.

To browse for a certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Under the Choose a certificate file (*.crt) heading, click Choose File.
  2. In the Description: text box, write a brief description about this certificate.

  3. Click Upload Certificate.

  4. A success or error message will appear.


Generate a New Certificate

To generate a self-signed SSL certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Under the Generate a New Certificate heading, select the key from the Key menu. 

  2. Enter the appropriate information in the DomainsCityStateCompanyCompany DivisionEmail, and Description text boxes and the Country menu. 

  3. Click Generate.


Self-signed certificates are reserved for intranet uses. To secure a public website, we recommend that you purchase and install a certificate from a trusted CA.


Delete a certificate

To delete a certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the certificate that you wish to delete in the Certificates on Server table. 
  2. Click Delete for that certificate. A new interface will appear.
  3. Click Delete Certificates. A success or error message will appear.


Edit and view details about a certificate

To edit a description or view a certificate, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the certificate that you wish to edit in the Certificates on Server table.
  2. Click Edit. A new interface will appear that displays the description, the encoded certificate, and the decoded certificate.
  3. In the Description: text box, enter your changes, and then click Update Description. A success or error message will appear.


To delete the certificate from this interface, click Delete Certificate at the bottom of the interface.


Install a certificate

To install a certificate, click Install in the Actions column under the Certificates on Server heading. For more information, read our Install and Manage SSL for your site HTTPS documentation.

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